Judaism Channel
The Resurection of the Dead and The Day of JudgmentThis lecture is part of the series of lectures titled "The seventy most difficult questions in Judaism." In this lecture Rabbi Kin discusses the Resurrection of the Dead and the Day of Judgment. www.torahohr.net |
The Story of MikvehLearn about the powerful waters of purification, or mikveh. The source of purity that removes impurity from our bodies and soul. {google}-2430438247904238386{/google} |
Life After DeathWhat happens after death? Many people have returned after clinically pronounced dead. Their revelation about their near death experiences is fascinating and a wakeup call to those alive to do teshuva (repentance) and return to the priorities in life - G-d, Torah, Mitzvos. {google}-2742888516073554382{/google} |