Halacha Channel

Strawberry Bug Infestation

This video will show you that thrips are easy to spot on strawberries as they do not require magnifying glass, and even after washing them, they do not die.  Our Rabbis have provided an alert to avoid eating strawberries.

Kashrus - Flour and Bugs

The following video is from the Star K Kashrus Organization, Baltimore, Maryland, under the supervision of Rav Moshe Heineman.  It is essential that families know how to inspect food for bugs, as Hashem commands us to not consume non-kosher living things.

Kashrus - Strawberry and Bugs

The following video is from the Star K Kashrus Organization, Baltimore, Maryland, under the supervision of Rav Moshe Heineman.  It is essential that families know how to inspect food for bugs, as Hashem commands us to not consume non-kosher living things.



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